A safe haven.
Neglected pets • Livestock • Livestock guardian dogs
Forgotten Farm has become a home for many pigs, horses, working dogs, and more. We believe all animals deserve a loving home, so we do our best to take in any that need shelter.
Meet Barley.
Barley came from Detroit with extreme thrush and founder, a disease that impacts a horse’s feet. We rescued him from slaughter and gave him a home on Forgotten Farm. With the help of a veterinarian and a farrier (a horse hoof specialist), we are slowly improving his health and making him comfortable in his new home.
Salty, the Maremma Sheepdog.
Salty came to us from a Pyrenees Rescue in Tennessee in 2022. We bonded immediately and she has slowly built a trusting relationship with us at the farm. She earns her keep by tending to the newborn pigs and goats and protecting their parents from predators.
Magnolia, the Mangalitsa.
Mangalitsas are a Hungarian pig breed known for their thick, curly hair. Magnolia was gifted to Forgotten Farm by two doctors who saved her from slaughter. She is a happy girl living an adorable life here on the farm.
Mr. Mullen Mulefoot.
This guy is an endangered species of pig native to the US. They have hoofed feet that are more gentle on soil, minimizing soil erosion. Mr. Mullen Mulefoot came to Forgotten Farm as a trade for two goat kids with a like-minded farm that works to support threatened animals and species.
Meet Dobby.
Dobby was captured as a pup with his mom in San Antonio, Texas, and sent to Michigan. We took him in as a foster during a county-wide parvo-like scare, where he healed from an injury. A strong bond was made, and we ultimately decided the farm should be his forever home.
Meet Nori.
Nori was found around five or six weeks old in Blanchard, Michigan, full of fleas. She joined our animal family at a pivotal time of life, and we feel strongly that the rescuing was mutual. We are both blessed because of fate.
Here’s Deener.
Deener was in a Clare County shelter when we decided to adopt her. She fits right in and we are thankful she is here!
Bumble was rescued from a garage refrigerator in Lake Isabella and gifted to the farm.
Bonded pairs.
Animal bonds can be similar to human connections, and we love to assist in keeping pairs together. We’ve taken in twin goat mamas that were babies together, and pig sisters, Flora and Hazel, who have spent three years together with us.